The former couple first met when Kravitz cast Tatum in her directorial debut Zoë...
Channing Tatum
The Marvel movie stars are ready for another installment Channing Tatum hopes that he and Ryan...
The actor shares his preteen with ex-wife Jenna Dewan Channing Tatum’s daughter Everly is...
“I’m so proud to stand ten toes down for her,” the actor said of...
Channing Tatum and Zoë Kravitz’s love language? Movies. Tatum, 44, revealed that his fiancée warned him...
Channing Tatum and Zoë Kravitz Share Their Favorite Movies Starring Each Other in Adorable Interview
Channing Tatum and Zoë Kravitz met while making their new movie ‘Blink Twice,’ in...
Channing Tatum says fiancee Zoe Kravitz is the “love” of his life. Tatum, 44,...
The stars of Fly Me to the Moon are preparing for liftoff. On Monday,...