The former couple and their three children attended the annual event for non-profit The...
Ben Affleck
“They are still moving forward with the divorce,” a source close to Lopez tells...
Jennifer Lopez was photographed with Ben Affleck on Saturday, September 14, marking the...
Matt Damon had been promoting “Unstoppable” with Jennifer Lopez in Toronto. Ben...
Jennifer Lopez is covering up her tattoo dedicated to estranged husband Ben Affleck. Lopez, 55, stepped...
Sources tell PEOPLE that Affleck is “doing well” and “slowly moving into his new...
The ‘This Is Me… Now’ singer filed for divorce from her husband of two...
The performer filed for divorce from Affleck on Tuesday, Aug. 20, after two years...
Ben Affleck has a new look! The actor, 51, was spotted with a shaved...
Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck marked their second wedding anniversary on July 16 on...