Scarlett Johansson’s latest film may revolve around space exploration, but the actress has...
Nicolas Cage is opening up about his relationship with his three children. In a...
The actors, who starred in the 2022 smash hit ‘Top Gun: Maverick’, met...
Britney Spears is seemingly leaving her relationship with ex Paul Richard Soliz in the rearview — at...
Jonathan Owens wasn’t fazed by the backlash to him referring to himself as “the...
Ariana Grande is giving brother Frankie Grande her full support as he recovers from a nose job....
Prince William’s Homewards organization will get the TV treatment in a new docuseries. The...
Keanu Reeves and girlfriend Alexandra Grant were spotted together in Germany. Reeves, 59, and Grant, 51, were...
I was today-years-old when I realized that Jennifer Garner and I are one and...
Serena Williams reminisced about attempting to deposit her first $1 million check from tennis winnings...