October 5, 2024

Jolie’s new ink has yet to be revealed in full — but the tattoo artist said it’s “NOTHING related with Brad Pitt.”

Angelina Jolie just got her middle fingers tattooed, spurring wild theories on social media.

The “Eternals” star is certainly no stranger to tattoos and reportedly already had more than a dozen when she got her new ink. Some fans speculated this new addition is about her ex-partner Brad Pitt, as the pair is undergoing a contentious divorce ― although the tattoo artist later tried to put that rumor to bed.

“Still can’t believe that I actually grabbed her hand and tattooed her,” Mr. K, a popular tattoo artist at Bang Bang Tattoo in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, captioned an Instagram post on Tuesday that blurred out Jolie’s new inkwork. “Guess what she got on her palm?

“It’s NOTHING related with Brad Pitt,” Mr. K commented later.

The South Korea-born artist previously graced actors Matt Damon, Michael J. Fox and Formula 1 champion Lewis Hamilton with his “micro style and single needle” designs.

Jolie’s new ink, meanwhile, has yet to be revealed — which caused just as much confusion as speculation.

Some users were baffled by the blurred-out image, thinking the actual tattoos were of pixelated rectangles, with one lauding Mr. K for making Jolie’s ink “so good it looks photoshopped.” Another correctly posited the image was intentionally blurred out.

Mr. K ultimately assured his followers by commenting that “it’s photoshopped for cover” before teasing that he would post the “actual tattoo photo very soon.”

Some fans still tied the tattoo to Pitt. Jolie and her fellow actor famously separated in 2016 and were declared legally single in 2019. Their divorce has yet to be finalized, however, as a drawn-out battle about their winery and custody of their kids continues. Jolie recently accused Pitt of acting like a “petulant child.”

“I feel like she’s the kind of person who would want like ‘Practice Kindness’, ‘Breathe In/ Breathe Out’ or something like that on her middle fingers,” one commenter wrote on Mr. K’s post.

Other commenters suggested the actor’s new tattoos could be related to Atelier Jolie, a new fashion house in New York City she launched in May. Jolie has reportedly spent much of the summer in town, and some posited she may have inked letters from its logo on her fingers.

Fans on Instagram also provided other wild guesses, including the following: “Her social security #,” “Something French,” “Two straight lines,” “Something to do with her kids!” — and a simple “Left and Right.” Another guessed: “Left finger f right U.”

In the end, some returned to the most unlikely answer before clamoring for answers: “I thought it was the blur blocks. I thought it was fire. Now I want to know what it actually is.”


Source huffpost.com
